Digest Diet Success Story: “My Blood Sugar Dropped 105 Points!”

Updated: May 23, 2016

How's this for inspiring?: Schoolteacher Janet Smallwood dramatically lowered her blood sugar and blood pressure on the revolutionary 21-day weight loss plan.

Photograph courtesy of Lisa Shin
Photograph courtesy of Lisa Shin

Janet Smallwood, 54, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes two years ago, but her wake-up call came when she hit 300 pounds more than a year later. She decided to try the Digest Diet. The busy teacher loved the easy daily menus of healthy whole foods, which cut her sugar cravings. A few months later, she’d shed 51 pounds, and her blood sugar level was nearly prediabetic.

“I’m Energetic, Not Achy”
Janet’s pains disappeared as she ate fresh veggies and lean proteins, which appear to help reduce inflammation. For the first time since her knee surgery six years ago, Janet felt strong while swimming and riding the stationary bike.

“My Blood Pressure Has Never Been Lower”
“My doctor is so pleased that she’s halved the dosage of my blood pressure and cholesterol medicines!” says Janet, whose blood pressure plummeted to a healthy 110/80.

“The Compliments Are Incredible”

“Twenty-five Facebook friends liked a photo I posted of myself wearing clothing two sizes smaller. Nothing says ‘keep your hand out of the cookie jar’ like that does!” gushes Janet, who says support from facebook.com/digestdiet has helped give her inspiration and morale boosts.

Janet’s Top Slim-Down Trick

Post a quote in your kitchen. Janet tacked up “If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail” on her cabinet as a reminder to grab her daily snacks packed in plastic baggies before heading out. Another favorite mantra: “I can do anything for 21 days!”

Reader's Digest
Originally Published in Reader's Digest