This Is How to Get Rid of Those Bright Red ‘Moles,’ According to Dermatologists

Updated: Jan. 18, 2020

Don't just ignore the harmless-looking red spots. Here's everything you need to know about cherry angiomas.

Closeup of cherry angiomas.Ocskay Bence/Shutterstock

In your 30s, you might start noticing little red circular bumps popping up on your body. They look like bright red moles, but theyโ€™re actually growths of blood vessels called cherry angiomas. No one is sure what causes them, but it seems to be genetic. So if your mom and dad had them, there’s a good chance you’ll get some, too.

Could it be something more concerning?ย 

Cherry angiomas arenโ€™t dangerous, so thereโ€™s no medical reason to remove them. Still, you should schedule a visit with your dermatologist when you notice one, says Anthony Rossi, MD, Mohs surgeon at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City. What you think is a harmless growth could actually be more sinister. โ€œUsually we think of melanoma as being a dark, black mole, but there are other types of skin cancer like melanoma or Merkel cell carcinoma that can present as little red papules,โ€ he says. Find out why two types of skin cancer are skyrocketing.

Whether you want to take the cherry angioma off or not, your derm can check itโ€”and the rest of your bodyโ€”for signs of cancer. Thatโ€™s why itโ€™s also important to visit a dermatologist instead of an aesthetician who isnโ€™t medically trained, adds Ivy Lee, MD, a dermatologist based in Pasadena, California. Those medical spas can remove the spots, but wonโ€™t test to confirm they arenโ€™t serious. In-between visits, you need to know how to check for skin cancer.

Can I remove them myself?

Once you know your spot is a harmless cherry angioma, you might be tempted to snip it off at home. Bad idea.

A DIY method could leave a scar, and because cherry angiomas are made of blood vessels, a basic Band-Aid might not stop the bleeding. โ€œThey could go to urgent care to stop the bleeding,โ€ says Dr. Lee. โ€œThatโ€™s much more expensive than ever getting it treated.โ€ It’s also why you should always visit a dermatologist before removing a skin tag.

Zap them offย 

For small cherry angiomas, your dermatologist could use a device called a hyfrecator. โ€œItโ€™s basically a very fine-tip needle and delivers a little bit of heat and electricity to seal up those blood vessels,โ€ says Dr. Lee. Your derm will apply a numbing cream first, but the treatment might still hurt a bit, she says.

When laser treatment makes sense

Larger spots might require a laser that can target the specific blood vessels. โ€œItโ€™s pretty coolโ€”you can see them get dark and then involute and get smaller,โ€ says Dr. Rossi. That option is also less painful than the needle, says Dr. Lee. Each pass of the laser feels sort of like the snap of a rubber band. Speaking of lasers, get the facts before you set up a laser hair removal appointment.

Laser treatments can get expensive, so you could also ask your dermatologist to shave the cherry angioma off with a scalpelโ€”no fancy equipment required, says Dr. Rossi.

Freezing them off may be an option

If all this cutting and zapping isnโ€™t your speed, consider freezing the spot off with cryotherapy. Just beware: Freezing equipment isnโ€™t as precise, so itโ€™s more likely to leave a dark or light mark. Dr. Lee only recommends it for very light-skinned patients, whose skin would be less likely to show a white mark. Don’t miss the secret ingredient that keeps scratches from scarring.

And no shame if all this doesnโ€™t sound worth the hassle. โ€œI want to reassure folks these are benign, and only if they bother them do they have to treat them,โ€ says Dr. Lee.