Children’s Health

Nothing is more important than your children. Learn how to keep them healthy and happy.

New Research: This Fruit Is the #1 Worst Offender in Baby Foods With Pesticides

The good news is that all 15 organic samples were free of pesticides—but advocates say this safety assurance should also stretch much farther.

41 Ways Kids Can Help Save the Planet in 5 Minutes or Less

Save the planet while still having fun? Yep! Sign us up.

8 Things to Never Say to Parents of a Child with Special Needs

It's not easy being a parent, period. But, special needs parents are often faced with judgmental comments and stares in...

Here’s Why Japanese Children Are the Healthiest in the World

When it comes to living a long and healthy life, let's learn from the best, shall we?

Your Complete Back-to-School Health Checklist

Preparing for school can be overwhelming after a busy summer, so use this checklist to help your family start the...

10 Toxic Things You Didn’t Know You Were Feeding Your Kids

You want the best for your children, naturally, so that's why you need to know about the harmful substances that...

13 Signs of Childhood Depression Every Parent Should Know

Depression doesn't care how old you are—so keep an eye out for these symptoms in kids.

7 Signs Your Child Has a Food Sensitivity

Here are some ways your child's body might be trying to communicate a food sensitivity—and why it's important to pay...

19 Co-Sleeping Tips from Moms Who Swear By It

Considering sleeping in the same bed with your baby or child? See how these seasoned moms make it work.

12 Baby Products That Are Great for Adults—and Brilliant Ways to Use Them

Many baby products do double duty and are unbelievably gentle, not to mention inexpensive. Here's what you should be borrowing...

13 Silent Signs of Anxiety in Children

Health experts reveal the subtle signs of anxiety in children. Learn how to read their behaviors to better understand...

10 Parenting Lessons We Can All Learn from Kids with Cancer

As a pediatric oncologist and palliative care specialist at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Justin Baker, MD, works with patients...

10 Silent Signs Your Teen May Be Abusing Drugs

It is the rare teen who comes right out and admits to a drug problem, so it's up to parents...

The Scientific Reason the Mother-Child Bond Is So Powerful

It likely comes as no surprise to moms that they can literally feel everything their child is feeling—and now science...

Placebos Might Be Almost as Effective as Antidepressants in Teens, According to Science

Could a fake pill be as beneficial as powerful antidepressant drugs? When the fake pill lacks the serious side effects...

10 Medical Reasons Your Child Might Be Overweight

A child's weight isn't always the result of diet and exercise. There are some genetic, biological, and medical causes that...

8 Ways You Can Ease Your Anxiety When You Send Your Kid to Kindergarten

You may have counted down until your due date, but the weeks leading up to your not-so-little child's first day...

This Calculator Tells You EXACTLY How Much Sleep You’ve Lost Since You Had Kids

Wait, you're saying parents don't get their full eight hours every night?

Here’s the Story Behind Why Hospitals Have Newborn Baby Nurseries

It's not just because babies are cute (but yeah, that is part of the reason).

13 Smart (and Sensitive) Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Their Weight

Addressing weight with your child is a sensitive matter—you want them to be healthy, but also want them to accept...

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10 Products You Should Avoid Using on Your Baby

So many baby products, so little time to research the best brands out there. Here are the baby products you...

Warning: This Is Why Starting School Young Can Negatively Impact Your Child’s Mental Health

Before sending little ones off to kindergarten, consider their age in relation to their peers. It could make a huge...

Older Dads Have Smarter Sons, Science Says—and You’ll Never Guess Why

Bye, biological clock! If you consider yourself geeky, you might have your old man to thank.

Kids Who Count with Their Fingers Are Smarter, Researchers Say

The more aware students are of their individual fingers, the higher they score on math tests.

The Scary Reason You Should Never Let Your Child Eat Fresh Snow

Think twice before catching flakes on your tongue.

You Need These 7 Items to Get Your Baby Through a Bad Cold

You can't give cold medicine to a baby under age 2, so what's a desperate mom with a sick baby...

So, You’re Probably Bathing Your Kids WAY Too Much

A good scrub-down doesn’t need to happen as often as you think.

10 Cold and Flu Remedies for Infants and Kids All Parents Should Know

All kiddos get sick—and often at the most inopportune times. Luckily, many simple treatments can make that cold or flu...

12 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Trick-or-Treaters Will Still Love

When every house on the block is handing out bucket loads of sugary sweets, hand out these treats as a...