Alison Wilkinson

Alison Wilkinson

Alison Wilkinson


Ali Wilkinson lives in Portland, Oregon with her husband, three small children, and two large cats. She is a lawyer, writer, knitter, runner and over-consumer of Nutella. Her writing has appeared on Red Book, Scary Mommy, Elephant Journal and Babble, among others. She writes about parenting and other things that make her laugh (and cry) at her blog Run, Knit, Love.


7 Foods Nutritionists Never Buy From Vending Machines—And 5 They Love

Vending machines can be a smorgasbord of calorie and fat bombs, but some picks are worse than others. Here's what experts choose.

9 Natural Home Remedies for Swollen Feet

Swollen feet and ankles slowing you down? Try one of these natural home remedies.

Woke Up With a Stiff Neck? Here’s What to Do Next

That stiff neck feeling is a literal pain in the neck. But luckily there are lots of ways to ease the pain, right from your own home.