Heart Disease

The heart is one of the most vital organs. Learn about how to care for it with our articles on heart disease causes, signs and prevention.

A Cardiologist’s Guide to Smart Statin Use

Our holistic heart doc weighs in on the benefits and risks of using statins to lower blood cholesterol levels.

The Sobering Connection Between Obesity and Heart Disease

New studies and research show how your weight plays a huge role in the health of your heart.

6 Healthy Numbers You Need to Know

Take control of your health by learning these six numbers; they'll help with everything from losing weight to protecting your...

5 Foods that Lower Cholesterol Naturally

Whittle your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, and keep your heart healthy with these amazing artery defenders.

Bar Food That’s Good for Your Heart (Seriously!)

1. Choose tortilla chips Corn and tortilla chips may not sound heart-friendly, but a University of Alabama study found that

Eat for Better Cholesterol: 12 Essential Foods

1. Salmon, along with other fatty fish like mackerel, sardines, and tuna, contain omega-3 fatty acids. They help stabilize heart

30 Healthy Cholesterol Tips

Take control of your cholesterol with these easy tips.

The Path to a Healthy Heart

We’ve found the simplest, most powerful steps you can take — without adding more jobs to your to-do list or

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8 Superfoods for Fall

This year's harvest is a veritable medicine chest of benefits, and the foods are tasty as well. Take advantage of...

Heart Disease Risk Factor #1: Nitric Oxide

The same chemical responsible for men’s erections (and, indirectly, for the success of Viagra) also plays a vital role in

What Exactly Is Cholesterol?

A substance your body can't live without