Respiratory Conditions

Your respiratory system is essential for survival. Learn about respiratory diseases and lung disease symptoms.

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How to Choose the Best Air Purifiers for Asthma

A portable air purifier may help you breathe easier if you have asthma. Here's when you might need one and how to choose the best air purifier for you.

What Is Walking Pneumonia? Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Also called atypical pneumonia, walking pneumonia is a different type of upper respiratory infection than regular pneumonia in a...

10 Best Nontoxic Candles to Use for Cleaner Indoor Air

Avoid allergy triggers and headaches from heavily scented candles with these natural candles that offer a nontoxic way...

12 Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Asthma in Children

An asthma diagnosis can be scary and leave parents with many questions regarding the disease and treatment options. If...

12 Surprising Asthma Triggers You Can Smartly Avoid

These irritants and allergens could be behind your asthma attack. Here's how to outsmart these asthma causes.

7 Signs of Lung Cancer You Might Be Ignoring

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths (one in four) in both men and women. Treatment is more...

11 Foods That May Help You Breathe Better

Some nutrients improve conditions in the air passageways, which can be helpful if you have asthma, allergies, or are trying...

6 Symptoms of Asthma Every Adult Should Know

Some 18 million adult Americans suffer from asthma, a condition in which inflamed airways make breathing difficult. Wheezing—a whistling...

10 Clear Signs You Have Exercise-Induced Asthma

If you feel out of shape for no reason, the real reason could be exercise-induced asthma—which you can develop...

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Dust Allergy? 7 Smart Strategies to Get Rid of the Dust in Your House

More than 90 percent of household dust comes from tiny flakes of skin and barely visible fabric fibers that float...

21 Surprising Ways to Cut Down Indoor Air Pollution

Research shows that indoor air pollution, often caused by dust mites and mold, can be up to 10 times greater...

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Radon Testing and the 7 Key Things Every Homeowner Should Know

Radon testing is the only way to know whether your home has high levels of radon, a radioactive gas that...

The Scary Truth Behind That New Car Smell

A lot of people love it, but they don’t realize how harmful it can be for their health.

7 Warning Signs of a Pulmonary Embolism

For one-quarter of the people with this frightening condition, sudden death can be the first and only symptom. Here's what...

12 Foods That Can Fight Lung Inflammation

Load your plate with these lung-healthy foods. Antioxidants and other properties in them could ease inflammation and help you breathe...

If You Have Asthma, You Need to Eat This Food

New research from Greece suggests the right foods can reduce airway inflammation that leads to asthma attacks.

Why Wildfire Smoke Is Way More Dangerous Than You Realized

As wildfires have ravaged so much of the 
country recently, an air-quality specialist discusses 
how the smoke choked her community...

7 Signs Your Upper Respiratory Infection Is Actually Pneumonia

Upper respiratory infections typically clear up within two to three weeks, but they can develop into pneumonia. If you are...

9 Scary Things Air Pollution Does to Your Body

Air pollution—namely ozone and tiny particles—are doing more damage than anyone previously thought. Here's what you need to know and...

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My Childhood Illness Came Back After 16 Years—And Almost Killed Me

A junior in college studying abroad in Spain could not figure out why she couldn't breathe, but a helpful

9 Ordinary Things in Your Home That Can Damage Your Lungs

From frustrating irritation to life-threatening cancer, these items could cause lung problems you won’t want to deal with.

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12 Things That Pollute the Air Inside Your Home

Levels of air pollution indoors can exceed what's outside. Follow these steps for pollution prevention and your lungs will thank...

10 Medical Reasons for Your Persistent Coughing

Got a chronic cough that just won’t go away? One of these medical reasons could explain what’s going on.

Why You Might Want to Stop Taking Cough Medicine

Cough medicine may do more harm than good for your cold. Here's what science says about the common treatment—and what...

8 Scary Ways Your Fireplace Could Be Toxic

A roaring fire can really make wintertime more bearable—but could it be dangerous to your health? Sadly, yes. Here's why.

This Vitamin Could Cut Your Risk of Dangerous Asthma Attacks in Half

If you get asthma attacks, you'll want to read about the simple supplement solution that researchers believe could reduce them...

The Scary Side Effect of Using Inhalers You Need to Know About

If you're an older adult, and you use an inhaler to deal with asthma or COPD, you may be putting...

7 Home Remedies to Combat Shortness of Breath

When you just can't get enough air, the reason could be minor—or major. Recognize if you're facing a real emergency,...