Visit Maggie Fierro’s Instagram account, and your jaw will drop at the stunning photos of her tanned, toned figure. But believe it or not, this fitness blogger hasn’t always felt comfortable showing off her body. Four months after giving birth to her third child, Fierro weighed 166 pounds. While a bit of postpartum pooch is nothing to be ashamed of, she was ready for a major change. (Don’t miss the most jaw-dropping weight transformations on Instagram, too.)

“To be honest, I even had a hard time looking at myself in the mirror, and taking that before picture was actually very difficult for me to do, but I knew something had to change,” she told PopSugar.

The biggest culprit of her weight gain? Late-night snacking. That sneaky, unhealthy habit was taking a serious toll on her waistline, so she replaced it with a healthier alternative: a daily workout. Research shows that eating late at night can cause weight gain. But it’s never a good idea to go to bed hungry, either. So if you’re ravenous (and don’t have a gym around) this one food is a good choice.

The mom also prefers sticking to a plant-based diet and avoiding processed foods, but that doesn’t mean she won’t indulge every once in awhile. “Although I do eat fairly healthy, I am all about balance and don’t put any heavy restrictions on my diet,” she said. “If I’m out and I’m craving pizza, I will absolutely have pizza.”

To tone up her muscles, Fierro started out with fitness programs like Kayla Itsines’ BBG, low-intensity workouts, and a few high intensity interval training (HIIT) moves. Now, she often mixes weightlifting and HIIT exercises six days a week, along with a short jump rope routine before her kids’ bedtime.

Thanks to these simple changes, Fierro has lost 26 pounds so far. Though that number seems small at first, her photos say it best: Fierro has totally transformed her body while taking ownership of her health, to boot.

The major takeaway? When it comes to weight loss, a little can go a long way. Here are 42 fast, easy tips for weight loss to get you started on your own weight loss journey today.

[Source: PopSugar]