
Read about breast, cervical, colorectal, lung, ovarian, prostate and skin cancer symptoms, myths and survivor stories.

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The One Summer Diet That Can Stop Skin Cancer

It's not a substitute for wearing sunscreen, but this tasty meal plan can help protect you against the sun from...

10 Sneaky Places You Can Get Skin Cancer (That Aren’t on Your Skin)

Skin cancer is highly treatable if caught early so make sure you're checking these surprising spots and symptoms of

10 Places You’re Ignoring When You Check for Skin Cancer

A head-to-toe monthly check is your best defense against nonmelanoma and more serious melanoma cancers.

15 Skin Cancer Myths You Need to Stop Believing Right Now

Health experts help dispel the most common skin cancer myths people believe, such as it's okay to ease up...

The Age You Sip Your First Drink Could Determine Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Depending on how old you were when you knocked back your first drink—and how you drink now—could dramatically impact your...

16 Things Cancer Patients Wish You Knew

To be as supportive as possible, understand what your loved ones who are cancer patients are really going through.

5 Signs of Prostate Cancer Men Should Never Ignore

One in seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Though the disease often never presents with...

8 Signs of Breast Cancer You Might Be Ignoring (Besides a Lump)

Nearly 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. It’s important to pay attention to any breast...

9 Causes of Cancer That Might Surprise You

And because the C-word isn’t a surprise anyone wants, learn how best to protect yourself from these cancer causes.

15 Things in Your Home That Can Cause Cancer

Your couch, your fridge—even your nice countertops could be hiding cancer-causing substances. Here's what you can do about it, according...

13 Silent Signs of Oral Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

About 49,670 Americans are diagnosed with oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer every year. If you're in a high-risk group, be...

These 14 Women Are Grateful for Their BRCA Diagnosis—Here’s Why

Learning that you're high risk for one or several types cancers is undoubtedly scary and life-changing to say the least,...

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13 Signs of Cancer in Men You Need to Stop Ignoring

See a doctor about these or any other unusual pains or changes.

This Woman’s Mammo Missed a Breast Cancer Due to Her Dense Breast Tissue

Not every woman is great about scheduling those annual breast exams—You know who you are!—but that wasn't true of Gail...

Woman Shares Her Rare Breast Cancer Symptom as a Warning to Others

When one woman discovered a rash on her breast that looked like a sunburn, she had no idea what it...

If You Eat This Food, You Could Reduce Your Risk of Colorectal Cancer by 17 Percent

If you need an excuse to chow down on carbs, you're in luck. A report from global cancer researchers suggests...

Eating This One Type of Food Could Increase Your Risk of Cancer, According to a New Study

Repeat after us: You are what you eat. And what you eat could be harming your health.

10 Ways to Support a Friend or Relative with Cancer

Don't worry that you'll do the wrong thing—just focus on all the ways you can offer support. Here, cancer experts...

Yes, Eye Freckles Are a Thing—and This Is What They Reveal About Your Health

Your eyes are the window to your soul, but did you know your eyes can also be a window into...

5 Breast Cancer Myths You Hear All the Time That Just Aren’t True

We don't know everything about breast cancer, but we do know these commonly held beliefs are actually myths.

I Tried Mole Mapping. Here’s What Happened.

This preventative skin cancer measure may just save your life.

Two Types of Skin Cancer Are Skyrocketing—Are You At Risk?

Ever had a bad sunburn? Addicted to tanning beds? Can't be bothered to lather up the sunscreen for that day...

8 Surprising Facts About Skin Cancer

Read on to find out what you need to know from dermatologists to save your skin—or your life.

This Grandmother Beat Early Breast Cancer With a 20-Minute Treatment

Researchers are exploring less invasive and more targeted treatments for breast cancer that use electric pulses or cryotherapy to...

29 Things Doctors Wish You Knew About Cervical Cancer

Between the HPV vaccine and new screening methods, there's more protection from cervical cancer than ever before—but you need to...

12 Loving, Little Ways to Support a Loved One Through Chemo

Your loved one is getting treated for cancer. Now what? Support the survivor through treatment and recovery with these guidelines.

7 Things That Lump in Your Breast Could Be Besides Cancer

Found a lump? Don't panic: 85 percent of all breast lumps have nothing to do with cancer.

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3 Colon Cancer Signs You Might Be Ignoring

While a colonoscopy is very effective at detecting colon cancer, these are three other signs that could indicate that something...

12 Cancer-Fighting Superfoods You Should Be Eating Every Day

Cancer is the number two killer in America, second only to heart disease. What you eat can lower your risk...