Weight Loss

Millions struggle with weight loss. Learn everything you need to know about weight loss meal plans and weight loss tips.

Science Just Proved Sleeping In Can Help You Lose Weight—Really!

Go ahead and snooze your alarm. Better yet, don't even set one.

The One Secret You Need to Lose Weight (That Isn’t Diet or Exercise!)

Stop counting calories! There’s now an easier way to trim your waistline.

The One Food 12 Nutritionists Eat Every Day to Maintain Their Weight

Registered dietitians and nutritionists share the one healthy food they try to eat every day for weight management, plus...

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I Tried Hypnosis to Beat My Sugar Addiction—and This Is What Happened

After a regrettable candy binge, I was ready to try anything to get my sweet tooth under control.

The Key to Weight Loss Isn’t About What You Eat…It’s About WHEN

It may feel chic and European to dine at 9 p.m., but it could mean a bigger waistline over time....

8 Calorie-Free Coffee Hacks That Will Help You Ditch Your Starbucks Habit

It's no secret that all those fancy, secret menu Starbucks coffee drinks are absolutely delicious, but if you're trying to...

Researchers Have Discovered the Surprisingly Simple Trick to Actually Loving Exercise

Does your exercise interfere with your life? Or enhance it? How you answer may predict whether or not you'll meet...

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9 Ways to Make Your Coffee Habit Healthier

Coffee catches a lot of grief, but it's not as bad as you might think. Some research shows that it...

What the Heck Is a Reducetarian? (And Should You Be One?)

If you flirt with vegetarianism but like burgers and bacon a little too much to give them up entirely, this...

5 Fitness Experts Reveal the One Move That Transformed Their Body

Workout results take forever, don't they? Now you can take the guesswork out of the picture, thanks to these personal...

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Why Low-Carb Diets Aren’t the Answer

Eating a low-carb diet might move the needle on the scale, but there are plenty of reasons it's not the...

Could Eating a Second Breakfast Help You Lose Weight?

Two meals at a time may be the key to dropping pounds.

Is Souping Really the New Juicing? I Tried It to Find Out.

Souping is the latest craze taking over the diet world, but is it worth the hype? Here's what happened when...

Can White Tea Really Stop New Fat Cells from Forming? A Doctor Weighs In

If you're trying to lose weight, brewing this variety of tea could actually give you an edge. Here's what you...

Here’s Exactly What You Need to Do to Burn off Every Cheat Meal

Before you grab that third slice of pizza, you should know how long it will take to negate the calories.

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10 Reasons Why It’s So Hard to Lose Water Weight

If your jeans suddenly feel more like a sausage casing, you're probably retaining water. Here's why it's hanging around—and how...

How Many Calories Are in a Pound? What It Really Takes to Lose One Pound

It's relatively easy to drop one pound of water weight, but shedding one pound of fat is another story altogether....

11 Delicious Summer Foods That Will Actually Help You Slim Down

Enjoy your summer favorites while still shedding pounds.

7 Reasons You’ll Never Lose Weight on a Fad Diet

We hate to break it to you, but if a diet sounds too good to be true, it probably is....

How I Lost 15 Pounds in 6 Weeks—Without Gaining a Pound Back

Most of us have been in the same spot as 46-year-old mom of three Amy Levine—on a mission to lose...

Does Eating the Same Breakfast Every Day Help You Lose Weight?

It's perfectly fine to enjoy that same favorite meal every morning, as long as you follow these rules...

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Liposuction: Everything You Need to Know

Liposuction hit the U.S. in the early 1980s, but some advances have been truly game changers. Here's what you need...

10 Simple Tricks Helped Me Actually Lose Weight on Vacation

Can you imagine eating and drinking your way through Europe and coming home with a smaller waistline? That's what happened...

Thinking About a Detox Diet or Cleanse? Read This First

A "detox" sounds super-healthy and promises fast results, but this is why it's not the answer to your health goals.

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10 Delicious Treats Registered Dietitians Eat to Satisfy Sugar Cravings

Find out what registered dietitians turn to when they want to satisfy sugar cravings, from treats like baked apples...

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Going Gluten-Free? You Need to Know About This Hidden Danger

Ditching gluten may be all the rage—and it's obviously a must if you have celiac disease—but researchers have uncovered a...

Diet or Exercise: The Final Verdict on Which Is Better for Weight Loss

There's a clear winner in the debate between diet and exercise.

What to Drink at the Bar if You Want to Lose Weight

No, you're not stuck with only vodka sodas.

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16 Healthy On-The-Go Snacks Nutritionists Always Keep in Their Bags

Snack smart like a nutritionist. Here are healthy snacks that are so perfect for on the go that nutritionists...