
Family is a big part of many peoples’ lives. Learn more about the importance of family and relationships.

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Here’s the Story Behind Why Hospitals Have Newborn Baby Nurseries

It's not just because babies are cute (but yeah, that is part of the reason).

13 Smart (and Sensitive) Ways to Talk to Your Kids About Their Weight

Addressing weight with your child is a sensitive matter—you want them to be healthy, but also want them to accept...

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10 Products You Should Avoid Using on Your Baby

So many baby products, so little time to research the best brands out there. Here are the baby products you...

Warning: This Is Why Starting School Young Can Negatively Impact Your Child’s Mental Health

Before sending little ones off to kindergarten, consider their age in relation to their peers. It could make a huge...

Older Dads Have Smarter Sons, Science Says—and You’ll Never Guess Why

Bye, biological clock! If you consider yourself geeky, you might have your old man to thank.

5 Subtle Habits You Have That Make People Trust You

Adding these science-backed tweaks to your daily interactions could help you gain the trust of your co-workers, friends, and even...

How to Take the High Road in 9 Sticky Situations

Though it might not always be the easiest path to take, choosing kindness, even in difficult circumstances, ultimately pays off...

Kids Who Count with Their Fingers Are Smarter, Researchers Say

The more aware students are of their individual fingers, the higher they score on math tests.

The Scary Reason You Should Never Let Your Child Eat Fresh Snow

Think twice before catching flakes on your tongue.

You Need These 7 Items to Get Your Baby Through a Bad Cold

You can't give cold medicine to a baby under age 2, so what's a desperate mom with a sick baby...

How People Are Judging You, Based on These 10 Subtle Traits

You may devote gobs of time and energy to exercising, choosing outfits, and getting your makeup just right, but then...

14 Signs You Have Great Charisma

Do you have a magnetic personality? Find out here.

So, You’re Probably Bathing Your Kids WAY Too Much

A good scrub-down doesn’t need to happen as often as you think.

10 Cold and Flu Remedies for Infants and Kids All Parents Should Know

All kiddos get sick—and often at the most inopportune times. Luckily, many simple treatments can make that cold or flu...

12 Non-Candy Halloween Treats Trick-or-Treaters Will Still Love

When every house on the block is handing out bucket loads of sugary sweets, hand out these treats as a...

These 6 Surprising Habits Can Increase Your Empathy

Have you read a novel or talked to a stranger lately?

8 Times Texting Is Actually Better Than Calling

Text messaging is often knocked as a trivial or insincere means of communication. But it often has its advantages.

6 Phrases Guaranteed to Make Any Argument Worse

You may think you're helping—but you're just screwing things up more.

7 Clear Signs You’re a Bad Listener

Are most of your conversations in one ear and out the other? Here's expert advice on how to focus, connect,...

Can Birth Order Predict Your Health?

Birth order stereotypes (like firstborn achiever, or middle-child mediator) may have a profound impact on how we perceive our personality,...

7 Fun Healthy Food Ideas for Kids

Got a picky eater? (Who doesn’t?) End mealtime battles with these creative ways to make healthy foods more tempting.

13 Tips to Increase Your Family’s Happiness and Health

Happy families share certain basic characteristics. Here are a few of the foundations experts say are key to creating a...

How to Survive a Health Crisis or Chronic Illness

When sickness enters a marriage remember your vows and support each other with communication and love.