Healthy Habits

Healthy lifestyle changes aren’t just for New Year’s Resolutions. Learn more about healthy living with The Healthy and start your new and improved life today.

10 Reasons to Donate Blood: What Doctors Need You to Know

Doctors will tell you that donating blood is vital: That pint you give can save three lives. And that's just...

50 Signs You’re Healthy from Every Type of Doctor

Not everyone has an apple a day, so how do you know if you're healthy enough to keep the...

9 Health Clues Hiding Right on Your Tongue

See something funky in the mirror? Don't worry, it's most likely not a strange tongue disease. It could, however, signal...

Fewer Than 50 People in the World Have This Incredibly Rare Blood Type

This blood type is so rare that scientists call it “golden”—but the pretty name masks the fact that this type...

Science Says Sleeping with This Device on Could Actually Make You Gain Weight

If you're prone to leaving on late night while you start to snooze, it could be causing more problems than...

8 Ways Beer Is Actually Good for You

Who knew?! From helping your heart to fighting cavities, a daily brewski (or two) can boost your health.

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The Answers to the 12 Most Contentious Health Debates

Admit it, you've definitely looked up whether red wine is healthy, or if the eggs you love so much are...

10 Things You Had No Idea Were Actually Covered in Fecal Matter

Everyone poops—but they should really wash their hands better afterward. Check out all the places where dangerous fecal bacteria may...

12 Normal Daily Habits That Secretly Mess Up Your Life

Hey, everything you do is perfect, except for these things you keep screwing up.

51 Brilliant Health Tricks You’ll Want to Make a Habit

Add just a few of these simple healthy habits to your daily routine, and see how much better you'll feel...

13 Ways You’re Secretly Hurting Your Liver

The liver is one of the body's largest and most important organs, performing over 500 vital functions that include cleansing...

11 Bad Health Habits That Doctors Need You to Stop Doing ASAP

You might think these things aren't a big deal, but they can take a toll on your body over time....

10 Unhealthy Habits That Are Worse for You Than You Thought

It's not too late to reverse your worst habits (stopping smoking, drinking, over-eating, and more) and immediately start living a...

35 Health Secrets Your Body Is Trying to Tell You

Confession: What your body really needs for better health, nutrition, sleep, pain relief, and more.

50 Everyday Mistakes—and How to Fix Them

You may not even realize that these everyday habits could be harming your health. Learn what they are and how...

12 Quirky Habits of People Who Are Smarter Than Everyone Else

Intelligence can be hard to measure, but science has linked these quirks to higher levels of learning, problem-solving, and...

17 New Year’s Resolutions Smart People Make Every Year

You'll be relieved to know that not a single one of them is: "Lose weight." Resolve to do just a...

7 New Year’s Resolutions Health Experts Wish You’d Really Make

Ditch those pie-in-the-sky New Year’s resolutions you make every year.

9 Easy Habits that Can Reduce Your Risk of Liver Disease

Drinking alcohol isn't the only lifestyle factor that can damage your liver. Here's everything you need to know to lower...

50 Ways to Have a Healthier Fall

Take a hot bath, sip a warm drink, then take a lovely nap—doctor's orders!

15 Bad Hygiene Habits That Are Way Worse Than You Thought

Everyone skips a shower or forgets to floss. How bad could it be... right? Experts reveal the real consequences...

20 Healthy Ways to Detox That Don’t Involve Juicing

Juice cleansing may be all the rage, but it isn't always the most effective or safest way to detox....

13 Harmless Morning Habits that Are Sabotaging Your Day

How you spend the first moments of your day can set you up for success—or failure. Make sure you're choosing...

10 Hidden Benefits of Being a Night Owl

Staying up past bedtime might be a lost childhood habit for some, while for others, it becomes a regular way...

17 Simple Things You Can Do This Morning to Guarantee a Successful Day

Making these easy tasks part of your morning 
schedule will improve your nutrition, energy,
and mood today—and beyond.

8 Things Your Hiccups May Say About Your Health

Hiccups are usually just annoying. However, they can sometimes accompany or be a sign of acute or chronic health conditions.

Exactly How to Lock in a New Habit, According to Science

We set ourselves up to fail by starting new habits only to abandon them. These 11 expert-approved brain hacks can...

The Best Time to Do 14 Common Healthy Habits

Learn how to use the power of your body’s daily, weekly, and seasonal cycles to improve your health without even...

10 Icky, Bad Habits That Put Your Health at Risk

Do your dirty little everyday habits jeopardize your health? Find out the ultimate consequences of sleeping with the TV on,...