
Everyone loves food. Learn about healthy food that makes you feel good from the inside out.

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Is Sushi Healthy?

This is what dietitians really think about your favorite meal.

20 Tricks to Eating Healthy While Eating Out

Going to a restaurant shouldn't be your excuse to eat unhealthy foods. Follow these tips and not only will you...

8 Healthy Snacks You Should Always Keep in Your Desk Drawer

Resist the temptation of the vending machine.

11 Smart Ways to Eat Healthy on a Super Tight Budget

There's a common misconception that eating healthy food has to be expensive. It doesn't. Avoid spending your entire paycheck at...

7 Tricks to Make a Healthy Smoothie

Done correctly, smoothies are nutrition powerhouses that can pump you full of healthy fruits and veggies. Done wrong, they can...

This Just In: Coconut Vinegar Is the New Apple Cider Vinegar

Don't stock up until you read this first.

9 Foods Nutritionists Never Order at Fast Food Restaurants

You may still find your way to a drive-through occasionally, but you’ll probably never look at a fast food menu...

6 Delicious Pasta Alternatives That Won’t Make You Miss Refined Carbs

Whether you are gluten sensitive or trying to cut out refined carbohydrates, these healthy pasta alternatives will satisfy your...

This is EXACTLY How to Pick Out the Perfect Watermelon

Do melons leave you muddled at the supermarket? Never fear: Compare them using these easy criteria.

How to Order the Healthiest Chinese Food

What to look for, what to skip, and tips for placing a healthier order the next time you take out...

The Best Post-Workout Snack Ideas

These energizing snacks pack the right nutrients to help you recover from your workout without undoing your calorie burn.

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13 Natural Energy Drinks You Can Make at Home

Feeling like a slug every afternoon? Instead of grabbing another cup of coffee, make one of these natural energy drinks...

The Superfoods Nutritionists Eat Every Fall

Look for rich colors and hearty flavors in these nutritionist-approved fall superfoods.

Can Black Seed Oil Help with Weight Loss?

What is black seed oil and can it help with weight loss? Here's what research, doctors, and dietitians have to...

Opal Apples Never Brown—But Are They Safe to Eat?

Believe it or not, Opal apples are actually very similar to other kinds of apples.

20 Healthy Foods You Should Eat Only in Moderation

When it comes to food, you really can have too much of a good thing. These foods can be healthy,...

Is Tilapia Bad for You?

Tilapia is so popular, that it’s now referred to as the "aquatic chicken," but is it good for you?

7 Powerhouse Benefits of Avocado You Didn’t Know About

Avocados have a bad rap for being fatty, but the fats are healthy and the flesh is full of vitamins...

Watch Out! These 10 Foods Are Probably Expired in Your Fridge Right Now

Many items in the fridge can go well beyond their use-by date without smelling funky or looking weird, but they...

Confirmed: What Doctors Think About the 5-Second Rule

We've all dropped some food on the floor, only to pick it up instantly and eat it anyway. As long...

Only Two Burger Chains Passed This Important Food Safety Report

They're changing the entire healthcare landscape.

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26 Foods You Should Cross Off Your Grocery List

Don't spend your money on these grocery goods—whether they're rip-offs, fakes, drastically unhealthy, or just plain gross, here are the...

20 Deliciously Healthy Lunch Ideas That Aren’t Salad

Step aside, lame iceberg salad! Who wants wilted, flavorless leaves smothered in bottled salad dressing? Ramp up your options with...

50 Secrets Food Manufacturers Don’t Tell You That Could Change the Way You Eat

Eye-opening insights from company executives, marketers, and food scientists into how your food is made and what you can do...

9 Foods With More Vitamin C Than an Orange

When you think of vitamin C, your mind immediately goes to oranges, but these other delicious fruits and vegetables pack...

The Label We’ve All Been Waiting for on Genetically Modified Foods

Wondering what GMOs are and if they're beneficial or pose a threat? Here's what you need to know, and how...

8 Fish You Should Avoid Ordering in Restaurants

Fish is considered one of the healthier foods out there—but not all fish are created equal. To make sure you're...

8 Things You Should Always Eat When You Have a Cold

Each year, there are one billion cases of the common cold in the U.S. alone. Here's what to eat when...