
With racing thoughts and noises outside, falling asleep isn’t always easy. Learn about how to get a better night’s sleep.

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Can’t Sleep? A New Study Found This Solution Was More Powerful Than Melatonin

Snuggle up: if you've discovered that your melatonin supplement doesn't always do the job, a brand-new study may have found a more reliable—and even more natural—solution to help you sleep.

Here’s the Best Position to Sleep in If You Snore, Says a Sleep Doctor

It's natural to think snoring is a result of what's happening in the nose and the nasal passage, but...

Nate Berkus Just Shared His #1 Best Design Secret for a Better Night’s Sleep

The iconic home designer, husband, and father of two shares his family's tips for powering down that help...

These Are the 2 Biggest Factors That Affect Sleep When You Travel, Says an Insomnia Specialist

Vacation days are too precious to spend your time tossing and turning through the night. Here's why travel can screw with...

Here’s How Long the Best Nap Lasts, a Neuroscientist Says

Nappers, you're going to love this. Plus, here's how to recharge when you can’t get a nice afternoon...

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Is Magnesium Glycinate a Sleep Game-Changer? Here’s Why a Dietitian Gives This Supplement a Nod

Could magnesium be the most overlooked key for easier, more restorative sleep? Research shows it's possible you're not eating...

The One Thing This Sleep Doctor Is Gifting Everyone This Year

A sleep gift that helps ease anxiety and promotes calm, leading to better Zs, is perfect for everyone on...

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Can Valerian Root Help You Sleep?

Valerian root has been used as a natural sleep aid for centuries. Learn about how it works, how to...

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10 Best Pajamas for Women, If You Can’t Sleep Naked

Here are the best pajamas for women, by fabric. Plus, a sleep doctor explains why wearing the right pajamas could...

3 AM and Wide Awake? Here’s How to Sleep Through the Night

If you wake up in the middle of the night and stay awake, you're experiencing fragmented sleep. Here's what's...

Will Red Light Help You Sleep? What Experts Say About Sleeping With a Red Light

You might know that blue light may strain your eyes and keep you awake. But what about red light?...

Should Your Dog Be Sleeping in Your Bed? Here’s What the Experts Say

We asked a panel of experts—including an allergist, a sleep expert, a relationship expert, and an animal trainer—to weigh in on...

18 Sleep Quotes for People Who Love to Snooze

Getting a good night's sleep requires good sleep hygiene and a consistent schedule. If you value your snooze time,...

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Do Melatonin Gummies Work?

Melatonin, the sleep hormone, is a common supplement that comes in many forms, including gummies. Here's what you need to...

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What Is Somniphobia? What to Do If You Have Sleep Anxiety

Somniphobia, or sleep anxiety, is when extreme worry and fear about sleep keeps you up at night. Learn how...

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How to Wake Yourself Up in a Natural and Easy Way

Rise and shine sounds good, but it isn't always easy to drag yourself out of bed—much less be happy about...

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There’s a Scientific Reason You Can’t Stay Awake in Boring Meetings—Here’s Why

Scientists understand why we get sleepy when we're bored—and how to fight the urge to drift off.

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6 Sleep Routine Tweaks to Transform Your Health

Want to have more energy? Be more positive? Run a faster 5K? Here’s how to adjust your sleep habits to...

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12 Innocent Habits That Are Completely Ruining Your Sleep Quality

You'd be surprised by how much that last cup of coffee, digital screen, or late-night eating is affecting your ability...

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How One Woman Used CBD Oil to Sleep Better and Beat Insomnia

A woman with severe insomnia reveals how CBD oil helped ease her anxiety, and as a result, improved her...

How Can I Stop My Insomnia?

There are almost as many ways to treat insomnia as there are people who can't sleep. Here are the...

6 Things Bedrooms of Good Sleepers Have in Common

Here's what we can learn about sleep hygiene and better sleep from those eight-hours-a-night folks.

7 Great Things That Could Happen Once You Get a CPAP Machine

This revolutionary machine treats the snoring of sleep apnea, a potentially life-threatening condition. Here is what CPAP users say about...

6 Best Weighted Blankets According to Amazon Reviews

Get better sleep, and potentially reduce anxiety and stress, with deep pressure touch from these top-rated weighted blankets on...

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This Magical Tip From Sleep Doctors Will Help You Stop Tossing and Turning

When your mind refuses to calm down, here's what sleep experts recommend to help you get to sleep faster

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How Bad Is It to Fall Asleep While Looking at Your Phone?

Do phone, computer, and TV screens interfere with the ability to get a good night's sleep? Sleep experts say it's...

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Do You Really Need 8 Hours of Sleep a Night?

What's a normal amount of sleep? Do you need five or six hours of sleep, or nine to 10? Here's...

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How A Good Night’s Sleep Helps Your Blood Sugar Levels

This is what happens to your blood sugar levels when you sleep—here's how to improve your sleep quality and quantity...